Neuerscheinung im Herbst

Neuerscheinung im Herbst


"There is a place shared by architecture and poetry. It emerges by their overlay and requires us to enter, to adapt, and to actively participate in its configuration. By perceiving, by using, by engaging and behaving, we create realities and we change them. By interacting with our environment, be it the physical or the written, our experiences inscribe meaning, thereby we create a place.

This publication is an experiment. It consists of multiple attempts to construct a place within architecture and poetry, as an exception of the distinction. In a case study – a reading – of "Tiefer Graben/Hohe Brücke", various writings assemble in this book. While digging in this place, an essay, a sequence of encounters, and a sketchbook arise: a reflective investigation, directed explorations and raw, intimate approaches. By writing for a place, the work is unsealing potentials and setting up possibilities to enter, interact and practise in the ambiguous space within architecture and poetry."


Autorin: Ella Felber

Unter der 
Hohen Brücke
digging in a ditch
writing for a place

Pages: 192
Format: 135x210mm
Languages: EN/DE
Publication Date: Octobre 2021

PRE-ORDER the publication HERE




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